The THTH Spring webinar was held on 18th May as a Team meeting. The two-year Technical Information Exchange project effort has been completed and a new TIE division has been launched. The growing demands of the digitalization of the process industry and especially digital-twins have placed new demands on the association’s operations. Therefore, in the new development plans, the THTH’s Simantics and TIE divisions will collaborate with international digitalization and standardization stakeholders. The webinar opened up backgrounds related to this new development.
The webinar presentations have been attached to the list below.
- Opening – Leena Hannonen, THTH Chair of the Board, Sweco Oy
- Agenda, THTH status review, Arto Marttinen, THTH
- Arrowhead/PVN - Stora Enso pilot plans in Sweden and Finland, Johnny Sundström, Stora Enso Sweden
- OIIE and ISO 18101 and purchasing use-case overview, Alan Johnston, MIMOSA and Karamjit Kaur, University of South Australia
- Partner ecosystems and strategy as enabler to API development, Marjukka Niinioja, Osaango Oy
- OPC UA Pub/Sub – What is it and what it is used for?, Jouni Aro, Prosys OPC Oy
- Probabilistic Risk and Performance Assessment, Jussi-Pekka Penttinen, Afry Oy
- Improving Plant Information Management: CFIHOS and Beyond, Keith Denton and Adrian Park, Hexagon
The webinar was also recorded (see the recording behind this link).
Thanks to everyone who participated and especially to all the presenters!