The THTH Autumn webinar was held on 11th November. The program provided participants with an interesting international package to overcome the challenges of digitalization of the process industry through standardization. Take a look to the presentations.
- Opening; Leena Hannonen/Sweco Oy
- Agenda and THTH action plan news; Arto Marttinen/THTH
- NAMUR - Its role in the interoperability community of the process Industry – General approach and some examples; Wilhelm Otten/WOtten Consulting, Heiner Temmen/DEXPI
- CFIHOS-READI LV-motor procurement; Milenija Stojkovic Helgesen/Equinor, Peter Townson/IOGP/CFIHOS, Bjørn Berli/Seacons
- THTH TIE - the investment project use-case, Arto Marttinen/THTH/TIE
- Usage of DEXPI standard in the NOAKA project, Idar Pe Ingebrigtsen & Tonia Pedersen /Equinor
- Recent process automation standards, Don Bartusiak/OpenAutomation Forum
- EU KDT framework for supporting companies’ digitalization pilots in industry networks, David Hästbacka/TAU
- Closing discussion
The new TIE division of the THTH association will start operating alongside the Simantics division in early 2022, when the current ongoing TIE project will end. Simantics looks at digitization from the perspective of Digital Twins (especially simulation DT). And TIE looks more from the perspective of Digital Threads and brings with it the necessary common standardization infrastructure for companies (see the picture below). The webinar presented examples of the development of international standardization and pilot projects, all of which contribute to the creation of the necessary standardization infrastructure.
THTH is participating in the preparation of a new joint European project as part of an international standardization cooperation network. One of the background themes of the discussions related to the presentations was what the common standardization infrastructure for process industry companies could be and how it could be created. A common vision for standardization should encourage all companies to develop their interoperable digital interfaces. Future funding opportunities for the EU’s KDT (Key Digital Technologies) program can provide a coherent framework for business and the development community. In this context, the Nordic community is preparing a joint PVNI (Production Value Network Interoperability) project for the needs of the process industry. Be active and ask for more information on how you could get involved!
The webinar was also recorded and can be seen behind this link! Note that the first twenty minutes unfortunately are missing from the recording.