TIE and Digital Twin in THTH
The workshop focused in particular on long-term developments in the exchange of technical information and the Digital Twin. The webinar was divided into two separate parts. The first part discussed the Technical Information Exchange (TIE) from the perspective of the TIE industry joint project that started on 11/2019 and the newly established TIE division. The second part discussed the development of the Digital Twin from the perspective of the existing SIMANTICS division. The common denominator for both parts is standardization, which is especially on the agenda of the TIE project.
The discussion was paved with the following presentations:
- General common initialization for TIE and Digital Twin, Marttinen/THTH and Karhela/Semantum
- Nordic Interoperability Cooperation project preparation, Hästbacka/Tamper Univerisity
- Business and Technical Information Exchange - integration and network viewpoint, Poteri/TietoEVRY
- E2E H&C Transformation program - DigiTwin, Tuuri/Fortum
- Digital Twins - The Hexagon approach, Park/Hexagon
- TAKEOFF for Future Intelligent Industries: Collaborative Design - Build - Operate Industrial Ecosystems, Lukkari/ABB
Based on the observation that there was no standards-based foundation within ISO for the data architecture of the “Digital Twin”, the ISO/TC 184 Ad Hoc Group published 2019 the document Data Architecture of the Digital Twin for more general evaluation.