SSG together with the LCDM project (Life Cycle Data Management) organized the Industry Interoperability Summit in the Scandic Infra City hotel for Swedish industry. The summit focused to issues that are needed for lifecycle information exchange in industial digital transformation. As standardization and international collaboration plays crucial role in that develepoment, also THTH among several other international bodies was invited to introduce their efforts in this field. The Industrial Interoperability Summit presentations can be found behing the link.
All standardization in Sweden is centered in SIS (Swedish Institute for Standards) that has been a steady SSG partner for a long time. That collaboration will also continue with the new Swedish Industry Interoperality Association (SEIIA), which the LCDM project introduced in the summit. As the THTH development targets are very similar with the SEIIA’s targets there seems to be obvious needs for deeper THTH and SEIIA collaboration. Finnish audience can hear more about SEIIA’s future plans in our Spring Seminar 2019 29th May.